CIF Yields Millions for Hartford Projects

June 7, 2024

The State Bond Commission has approved the release of millions in state funding for Hartford. The funding is part of the Community Investment Fund 2030 (CIF).

I worked with Governor Lamont, the Legislative Black and Puerto Rican Caucus and colleagues in the Senate to create CIF in 2022 to support economic development in historically underserved communities across Connecticut. I co-chair the CIF Board with Senator Martin Looney.

The program is anticipated to release up to $875 million in grants over a five-year period.

Projects that may have been overlooked in the past now have access to game-changing capital that can uplift entire neighborhoods. And communities have a strong voice with CIF to fund the projects they see as keys to their future growth. I give Governor Lamont a lot of credit for seeing the need for this transformative program and standing behind CIF to ensure its success.


Hartford CIF Grants, June 2024

Recipient: Asylum Hill Neighborhood Association

Award Amount: $3,092,721

Description: “Aetna/Comet Diner” – CIF funds will be used to complete remediation, renovate and reactivate the historic diner, and provide a local community meeting space.


Recipient: Charter Oak Cultural Center

Award Amount: $6,500,000

Description: “Renovation and Restoration of 21 Charter Oak Avenue” – CIF grants funds will renovate Connecticut’s first synagogue at 21 Charter Oak Avenue and historic 25 Charter Oak Avenue. The Charter Oak Cultural Center City School for the Arts will add 8 classrooms and update ADA compliance.


Recipient: Overlook Development Corporation

Award Amount: $5,527,250

Description: “Willow Creek” – CIF funds will provide pre-development, site improvements and infrastructure for connectivity of the streets, utilities and sidewalks for Willow Creek.


Recipient: Northeast Neighborhood Partners, Inc.

Award Amount: $900,000

Description: “Hartford Workforce Hub” – CIF funds will support the development of the Hartford Workforce Hub in the Swift Factory.