Weekly Update December 27, 2024

December 27, 2024

State and Local Update

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The topics covered are as follows:

Granny’s Pies

As we wrap up another holiday season, I want to take a moment to recognize a true East Hartford gem—Granny's Pies. For over 50 years, the Harovas family has been baking up pies that have become a beloved tradition in our community. From their signature apple pies to the iconic holiday offerings, Granny’s Pies has been serving up more than just dessert; they’ve been creating memories for generations.

Recently, NPR featured Granny's Pies in a mini-documentary, and I couldn't be prouder of this local treasure. It's not just about the pies; it's about the hard work, dedication, and love that go into everything they do. The Harovas family represents the very spirit of East Hartford—hard-working, community-minded, and committed to excellence.

As we head into the new year, I want to thank Granny’s Pies for their unwavering commitment to our town and wish them continued success. If you haven’t yet, make sure to stop by and pick up one of their famous pies—supporting local businesses like theirs is what makes our community so special.

Here’s to another 50 years of Granny’s Pies!

CT Public Story
Legislative Town Halls

As the State Representative for the 9th Assembly District, and a member of both the East Hartford and Manchester delegation, it is important that we hear directly from our constituents on the issues that matter most to you, your families, your businesses, and your neighbors. To join in the conversation, please consider attending the Manchester Delegation’s Town Hall (see below) at the Whiton Branch Library, located at 100 North Main Street, on January 13th from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM. If you aren’t able to make it on the 13th, please join us at the East Hartford Delegation’s Town Hall (see above) at the East Hartford Town Hall, located at 740 Main Street, on January 29th from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM. Whether you have questions, ideas, or simply want to listen, a Town Hall is a great chance to have your voice heard and to be part of the conversation shaping our future. We encourage you to join us for an informative and open discussion, and we look forward to seeing you there!

Today In CT History

In August 1955, Connecticut experienced some of the worst flooding in its recorded history after two major hurricanes — Connie and Diane — dumped between 20 and 30 inches of rain on the state in the span of a single week. All of the state’s major waterways, including the Connecticut, Quinebaug, Farmington, and Housatonic rivers, overflowed their banks, completely destroying hundreds of factories, marinas, warehouses, and homes. Entire houses were lifted off their foundations and carried downstream, as the main streets of Winsted, Putnam, and Torrington became raging rivers of swift-moving water. A state report estimated that losses of public and private property due to the flooding from Connie and Diane totaled over $1.5 billion in today’s dollars.

The Connecticut Medal of Valor.

Amid the countless scenes of loss and destruction, one could also find tales of bravery and heroism, as Connecticans banded together to help each other through one of the state’s worst natural disasters. One especially memorable account was about Master Sergeant Albert Pensiero, one of the many Connecticut National Guardsmen dispatched to help rescue stranded Connecticans when the flooding was at its worst. His actions that day, for which Pensiero became the first recipient of the newly created Connecticut Medal of Valor on December 27, 1957, were described at length in his official citation:

“Master Sergeant Albert Pensiero, displaying great courageous action, and at extreme personal risk, rescued more than twenty-four people from flooded homes in Unionville, and brought them to safety on high ground. Upon completion of this deed, Sergeant Pensiero, through many hazards and over many obstacles, was able to bring the Army [Duck Boat] with much needed medical supplies to the flood-ravaged town of Winsted.

Through Sergeant Pensiero’s skillful handling and careful maneuvering of this military vehicle, although previously untrained in its operation, he was responsible for the saving of many lives and the prevention of greater tragedy by bringing the vehicle loaded with rescued persons through the raging flood waters of both towns to safety.”

The Connecticut Medal of Valor was established to recognize men or women serving in the state’s military service who display “conspicuous gallantry, at the risk of his [or her] life, above and beyond the call of duty, while on military service.” To date, more than six decades after its creation, fewer than 20 men and women have earned the honor. Bravery in a time inundated with danger was remembered, and great valor rewarded, today in Connecticut history.

Further Reading

The Connecticut Medal of Valor,” State of Connecticut Military Department

The Flood of ’55: Memories,” Hartford Courant

Town Of East Hartford

 Town Meetings
Regular Town Council Meeting

January 7th, 2025 at 7:30 PM

740 Main Street (Town Hall)

+1929-235-8441; ID: 565393232#    
Board of Education Meeting

January 13th, 2025, at 7:00 PM

857 Forbes Street


Town Resources



Town Newsletters

Pulse of East Hartford     

East Hartford Public Schools

East Hartford Works

Town Of Manchester

Town Meetings

Regular Board of Directors Meeting

January 14th, 2025, 7:00 PM

Lincoln Center Hearing Room (494 Main Street)

Board of Directors

Board of Education Regular Meeting

January 13th, 2025 7:00 PM

Lincoln Center Hearing Room (494 Main Street)

Board of Education

Manchester Public Library

In honor of National Pie Day Manchester Public Library will be enjoying all things pie! Learn about the history and different pie varieties, share your top tips for perfect fillings and crusts, swap pie recipes, and, of course, sample some pies. Patrons are encouraged to bring copies of their favorites pie recipes, whether they are family secrets, from a favorite cookbook, or gems found online. Free program - no registration required. Pie samples will be available while supplies last.

New Year's Day History

Walk on the Great Lawn

The public is invited to a free walking tour in the Cheney historic district, to view the exterior of historic mansions, with a visit to the nine acres purchased by the Town of Manchester in 2005 for open space and historic preservation. Hosts Tom Ferguson and Susan Barlow, members of the Cheney district commission, will comment on the historic landscape and buildings. There is some steep and uneven ground, so participants should wear sturdy shoes. The one-and-a-half-hour walk will proceed along the street and lawn.

When: January 1st, 2025 1 pm-2:30 pm

Where: Meet at 146 Hartford Rd. (Fuss & O'Neill parking lot)

Town Of Manchester
Town Resources
Manchester Public Schools - One Manchester
Manchester Matters

All American Waste crews will be picking up Christmas trees from Monday January 6, 2025 through Friday, January 17, 2025, weather-permitting. Collection of the trees generally occurs on the same day as trash collection. Trees should be placed on the curb near trash bins with no plastic bags or decorations.

Should the curbside collection be delayed due to snow or unforeseen circumstances, residents are asked to leave trees at the curb. Please do not remove trees from the curb. 

Residents are also encouraged to bring their Christmas trees to the Transfer Station at 1 Ecology Drive for disposal at no charge.

Regular Transfer Station hours are Monday, Tuesday, and Friday 7:15 a.m. to Noon and 12:30 p.m. to 2:45 P.M. Saturdays 8:00 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. first and third Saturdays of the month, holidays excluded.

For additional information, please call East Hartford Public Works at 860-291-7374.

Community Branding Initiative:

Your Input Needed!

The Town of East Hartford has recently begun a community-wide branding initiative. Why? In an increasingly competitive and mobile world, communities must present what they stand for to their residents, prospective residents, visitors, and businesses to give each of these audiences confidence in choosing the community. It's a matter of ensuring long-term economic health and vibrancy.

While this is a branding project for the Town of East Hartford as a municipal government, the Town’s brand must reflect East Hartford’s identity both as a government and as a community. The East Hartford story is defined by the people who spend their time here—living, working, and exploring. Each individual plays a part in defining this town, and their stories help us uncover the unique identity of East Hartford. As we build the East Hartford brand, we will rely on a strong foundation of research to inform creative outcomes and implementation planning. We are currently in the Research portion of the project and look forward to uncovering and creating the East Hartford brand.

Help us shape the brand, (how people talk about us) by responding to our community survey here.

The survey is available in both English and Spanish. You can also find paper copies of the survey at Town buildings (Town Hall, CCC, both libraries, Public Safety, and the Senior Center) beginning Friday, December 13th. The community survey will close on January 31st, 2025.

Learn more about the Community Branding Initiative and how YOU can get involved by visiting chooseeasthartford.com.

East Hartford Commission Showcase

New East Hartford Veteran Banner Program!

Announcing the 2025 Board and Commission Showcase, an event where residents can learn about and engage with the boards and commissions in East Hartford. There will also be opportunities to join those that are currently recruiting new members.

The showcase will be held on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 at the Community Cultural Center, located at 50 Chapman Place from 5:30-8:00 PM.

The schedule of events will be as follows:

  • 5:30-6:00 PM: Meet and greet with Commissions and Boards
  • 6:15 PM: Presentation by Commission and Board Chairs: How they can help and how residents can get involved. A short Q&A will follow.
  • 7:00-8:00 PM: A light dinner, dessert and drinks will be served, and residents will be encouraged to spend time speaking to commission/board members.

Service on Town boards and commissions is one of the principal means by which citizens can participate in the conduct of local government. Volunteers may serve in a variety of capacities and are encouraged to look for opportunities which will allow them to share their experience, skills and talents, while offering a meaningful and rewarding experience for the volunteer.

Boards and commissions exercise a number of advisory, administrative and quasi-judicial powers and functions that are essential to the operation of town government. Boards and commissions are created and enabled in different ways. Some are required by the State of Connecticut and some are created by the Town Council. Terms of office and qualifications for office vary as well.

Join us on January 15, to learn how our Commissions and Boards can help you and how you can get involved.

The East Hartford Veteran Banner Program will honor the brave men and women who have selflessly served our country through a touching banner display in the heart of East Hartford, along Main Street. 


Each banner will display the name, photograph, branch, major wars or conflicts and one or two major awards of the veteran. 


Each year the banners will be displayed Memorial Day through Veterans Day, and then given to the sponsor, the honored Veteran, or their family.

The banners are entirely funded by a $200 donation by sponsors from the community- family, friends, local businesses, and civic organizations. 

If you have a Veteran that you would like us to add to “needs a sponsor” list, please send an email to Chief of Staff Ekaterine Tchelidze at etchelidze@easthartfordct.gov.


The initiative is put together by East Hartford residents and Veterans who came together to honor those who served from our community. 

Town Of East Hartford
Town Resources
Pulse of East Hartford Newsletter
East Hartford Public School News
East Hartford Works

My office is always open if you or your family are in need of assistance. Please do not hesitate to contact me by email at Jason.Rojas@cga.ct.gov or by phone at 860-240-8541.


Jason Rojas


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