I hope you're doing well. Our state continues to roll along in strengthening its pension funds for retired state workers and addressing legacy debt. In the end, that's good news for pension holders and taxpayers, too! You can read more about it below.
The statewide burn ban is over thanks to the rain and snow we got recently. Still, will should be mindful of guidance on burning and more. Please scroll down for more information. There are a couple of holiday events coming up in our area and I have highlighted them below as well. This week's topics include:
Strengthening Pension Funds, Investing in Connecticut
Connecticut has made significant progress in strengthening its pension funds for retired state workers and addressing legacy debt, which isn’t just good news for pension holders and all taxpayers.
As funding levels rise and debt goes down, that frees up money—$492 million in the next fiscal year alone—that can support tax cuts for working families and key investments in our communities. We’ve got a lot of work left to do, but this continued fiscal progress will have direct benefits for all Connecticut residents.
The statewide burn ban has ended for Connecticut’s State Parks, Forests, and Wildlife Management Areas. Recent rain and snow have helped tremendously with drought conditions and lowered the forest fire danger level. Despite the news, please consult with local officials for guidance on burning and continue practicing fire safety as conditions evolve.
To learn more, including fire safety guidance, please click HERE.
Here's a friendly reminder about several programs that can help pay or lower their heating bills this winter. Whether it be state assistance, protection from shutoff service, financial assistance programs, or energy efficiency, there is a plan for everyone.
Here is a closer look at what's available:
State and Other Assistance Programs
You can get up to $530 to help pay your heating bill through the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) and get a bigger match from the Matching Payment Program. Apply online here or visit your local Community Action Agency. You can also find your closest agency by calling 211.
Protection from Service Shut-Off
Protect your gas or electric service from shut off, from November 1 through May 1 with Winter Protection, for customers facing financial hardship.
You may also be eligible for Medical Protection if anyone in your home is seriously ill or has a life-threatening situation.
Financial Assistance Programs and Payment Plans
The Matching Payment Program can lower the amount you owe on energy bills. For every dollar you pay, and every dollar you receive from the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP), Eversource will subtract a dollar from the amount you owe.
An Electric Discount Rate You may be eligible for a 10% or 50% discount off your electric bill per month based on your household income or receipt of a public assistance benefit if you have a financial hardship status on your account.
Flexible Payment Plans of up to 18 months are available to help all residential customers with active accounts pay off money owed, regardless of their income.
With Budget Billing, pay a fixed amount each month based on your average energy usage to avoid spikes in your bill during heating and cooling seasons.
Energy Efficiency
Eversource has energy efficiency programs, incentives, and money-saving tips to help you reduce your overall energy use during the colder months.
To learn more about the programs, and which one may be right for you, please call 1-800-286-2828 or visit eversource.com/billhelp. You can get a jump on lowering your heating bill and keeping your home this winter today.
Jennifer Barahona, the CEO of Norwalk ACTS, the collaborative collective impact organization dedicated to improving the lives of Norwalk children and families, will be stepping down from her role after nearly six years of service after being appointed Connecticut’s new Deputy Secretary of the State. She will be sworn in on January, 8th, 2025
This is great news! Congratulations, Jennifer. To read the press release on the announcement, please click on the image below.
As always, feel free to call me at 1-800-842-8267 or email me at Travis.Simms@cga.ct.gov if you have any questions or concerns. Also, please like my official Facebook Page for regular updates.