Allie-Brennan - Anthem’s Anesthesia Cap: A Troubling New Policy

December 5, 2024

Dear Neighbor, 

You may have heard about the outrageous new policy Anthem BCBS is rolling out in Connecticut (as well as NY and MO). They’re instituting an anesthesia cap, meaning if your procedure takes longer than they think it should, they won’t cover the anesthesia beyond that point. This could leave patients stuck with a massive bill—or worse, put pressure on doctors to rush surgeries.
It’s beyond concerning. Unforeseen complications happen all the time during medical procedures. This policy undermines patient safety and forces people to choose between proper care and financial disaster. Please click on the image below to read more.


We need to hold insurance companies accountable, which is why I’m joining the Insurance Committee this upcoming session. I’m already looking into this to see if it violates state regulations and will be working with my colleagues to address it.
In the meantime, I encourage you to speak out. Contact the Connecticut Insurance Department to share your concerns
HERE. The more voices they hear, the stronger our case to push back. I’ll keep you posted on what I find and how we can work to fix this. Thank you for staying engaged—this is an important fight, and we’ll need everyone’s voice.


Raghib Allie-Brennan
State Representative


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