Dear Neighbor,
I’m excited to share some big news with you. Speaker of the House Matt Ritter has appointed me as the House Regional Energy Policy Liaison. This role puts Connecticut at the forefront of shaping energy policy across New England, and I’m honored to take on the challenge.
As your State Representative, I’ve always fought to lower energy costs, hold utilities accountable, and ensure our energy future is clean, reliable, and affordable. Now, I’ll be taking that fight beyond our state’s borders. This new position is about regional leadership and collaboration. Here’s what I’ll be doing in this role:
- Building a "Connecticut Energy Policy Baseline Report" to track our state’s energy goals and commitments.
- Identifying key performance metrics to hold ourselves and our partners accountable.
- Strengthening Connecticut’s role in regional agreements, like the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), to drive progress on clean energy and cost savings.
- Fostering cross-state collaboration to speed up our shift to renewables and reduce costs for Connecticut families.
As former Chair of the House Select Committee on Sustainable and Renewable Energy and Vice Chair of the Energy and Technology Committee, I’ve seen firsthand how important it is to have strong regional coordination. Energy doesn’t stop at state borders, and neither should our policies.
This appointment is about making sure Connecticut has a seat at the table — and not just any seat, but one where we can lead the conversation on solutions that matter to you. Whether it’s lowering costs, improving reliability, or advancing our clean energy future, I’ll be working every day to deliver results for our community.
Thank you for your continued support. I’ll keep you updated every step of the way as we move Connecticut’s energy policy forward.