Kicking Off the 2025 Legislative Session

January 9, 2025

Dear Friends,

Yesterday marked the opening day of the 2025 legislative session, and I’m thrilled to update you on what’s ahead for Bethel, Danbury, and our great state. We heard from the Governor about his vision for the year, and I’m optimistic about the work we can accomplish together.

This session, I’m honored to have been appointed Chief Majority Whip, a leadership position that ensures Bethel and Danbury have a stronger voice at the table. Additionally, the Speaker has appointed me House Regional Energy Policy Liaison, a role that enables me to collaborate with other New England states on critical energy issues like lowering costs, expanding renewable energy, and strengthening our grid.

As many of you know, I served two terms as Vice Chair of the Energy and Technology Committee, where I helped pass landmark legislation holding utilities accountable for storm response and energy rates. I’m proud to continue this important work as a member of the Energy and Technology Committee this year.

In addition to energy, I’ll be serving on the General Law Committee, which addresses consumer protection, and the Insurance and Real Estate Committee, where we tackle issues that directly impact your health care and homeownership.

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be submitting legislation focused on the needs and concerns I’ve heard from our community. From addressing rising energy costs to improving consumer protections and ensuring affordable, reliable insurance options, my work will continue to prioritize what matters most to you.

I’m excited to keep you updated throughout the session as we advance legislation and make progress for our district. As always, my door is open—please don’t hesitate to reach out to share your ideas or concerns.

Here’s to a productive and impactful year!

As the 2025 Legislative Session begins, my colleagues and I will tackle several important issues over the next 5 months. 

It's easier than ever to follow along and get involved. There are several resources you can utilize that will help you stay updated on the legislative process as it unfolds in Hartford.

Here's how you can stay connected and actively participate:  

  • The Office of Legislative Research (OLR) provides nonpartisan and unbiased research to members of the General Assembly and their staff. Part of their duties include writing bill analyses, which are summaries of bills in plain language. Click here to check out their website. 
  • You can view the Connecticut General Assembly's upcoming events by checking out its schedule on the CGA official website
  • Follow CT-N for live coverage of committee meetings, as well as House and Senate floor debates. 
  • You can register to monitor any bill's journey as it goes through the legislative process. By signing up, you can enter the bill number and receive real-time updates. Stay informed with email notifications whenever there's a change in the bill's progress. 
  • Visit this website for information on how to testify on a bill at a public hearing.

Together, we can ensure all voices are heard. 


Raghib Allie-Brennan
State Representative


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