From the Nuclear Legislative Working Group Winter Meeting in Baltimore

November 20, 2024

Dear Neighbor, 

Last week, I had the privilege of attending the National Conference of State Legislatures’ Nuclear Legislative Working Group’s winter meeting in Baltimore. Our discussions covered critical topics such as data centers, spent nuclear fuel storage and consent-based siting, and the post-election outlook for nuclear energy.

One of the highlights was touring X-Energy’s Plant Support Center, a state-of-the-art training facility for future operators of its advanced small modular reactor. The center features cutting-edge tools like a full-scale plant control room simulator, a Reactor Protection System prototype, and even a virtual reality experience, along with offices and classrooms to support comprehensive training.

It’s always inspiring to connect with fellow legislators and energy experts to exchange ideas and learn about the innovations shaping our future. The insights gained here will inform my work on advancing clean, reliable energy solutions in Connecticut.


Raghib Allie-Brennan
State Representative


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