Coverage For Telemedicine Services

March 17, 2020

The Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS) is implementing changes in Medicaid/HUSKY Health that will support Connecticut’s COVID-19 preparedness and response through increased access to health services.

DSS is also planning to:

  • cover testing for COVID-19.
  • make prescription drug coverage more flexible.
  • eliminate cost sharing in the Children’s Health Insurance Program (HUSKY B) and for members enrolled in both Medicare and Medicaid.

Telemedicine coverage includes:

  • implementing real-time video conferencing, as can be enabled with a smart phone, between HUSKY Health members and their health care providers for specific medical and behavioral health services. This will enable many members and doctors to communicate remotely, with Medicaid covering the virtual visit.
  • broadening video conferencing to include all primary care type evaluation and management services for medical and behavioral health.​

Connecticut Medical Assistance Program Details​

Emergency Telemedicine Details