Environment - "The Devil We Know" screening

February 20, 2020

I will be giving a brief legislative update on Environmental issues followed by a screening of 'The Devil We know', Wednesday, 26 7PM at the Rowayton Library. The event is co-sponsored by Norwalk Land Trust, Norwalk Tree Alliance, and Rowayton Gardeners as part of the Our Earth, Your Call environmental series.

This is an insightful documentary that inspired the movie Dark Waters. The Devil We Know is the true story of a corporate defense attorney who took on an environmental lawsuit against one of the largest and most powerful chemical companies in the country, exposing a lengthy history of life-threatening pollution. The film unravels one of the biggest and most devastating environmental scandals in our history when West Virginia residents proved that this corporation had knowingly been dumping a toxic chemical - now found in 99.7% of Americans - into the area drinking water supply.

Please see the link here for more information: