Government 101 Forum Postponed

January 29, 2024

Dear Neighbor,

Tonight's presentation on how state government works is postponed until a later date, but I have provided a refresher on the legislative process. Keep scrolling to learn how a bill can become law.

This month is the 200th anniversary of Braille! Below you will find resources for the blind in our state.

Here are the sections in today's email:

  • Government 101 Event Postponed
  • The Legislative Process
  • Holocaust Remembrance Day
  • Braille Literacy Month
  • Take Your Child To The Library Day
Government 101 Event Postponed
Our democratic legislative delegation has postponed tonight's Government 101 presentation to a later date. I was slated to join my colleagues Rep. Lucy Dathan and Sen. Ceci Maher to talk about the legislative process and answer your questions at the New Canaan Library. I will let you know when we have determined a make-up date.
The Legislative Process

The 2024 Legislative Session is right around the corner!  Don’t be intimidated -let’s break down the process in just six steps.

Holocaust Remembrance Day

Saturday was the anniversary of Auschwitz in 1945. We remembered the millions of victims of the Holocaust…the genocide of 6 million Jews and the millions of other victims of Nazi atrocities.

Braille Literacy Month

Braille Literacy Month celebrates the power of braille to transform lives and break down barriers. By promoting braille literacy, we create a more inclusive world where people with visual disabilities can fully participate and achieve their potential.
Let’s embrace its importance and work toward a world where everyone has equal access to information and opportunities. Happy Braille Literacy Month!‍🦯
You can find resources from the CT Bureau of Education and Services for the Blind here: or call 860-602-4000 for more information.

Take Your Child to the Library Day

Let's get your kids in our wonderful libraries! Take Your Child to the Library Day will be held on Saturday, February 3.

Wilton Library will hold an interactive family story time where the littles ones can sing songs, learn rhymes, move around, and use instruments while building literacy and social skills! The event will begin at 10:30 A.M. in the Story Room. No registration is required.

Then, children 4 and up can meet cast members of Norwalk Symphony Orchestra's "The Music Man." Kids will get to sing, act, and dance with the pros from 3:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M.  CLICK HERE to register and learn more.