Honoring MLK & Tax Relief in 2024

January 12, 2024

Dear Neighbor,

I hope power is restored and crews have reopened roads in your neighborhood after the snow and rain we experienced in the past week. Keep scrolling to see the flooding at the Wilton YMCA.

Looking ahead, the nation will be honoring the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. this weekend. Please read below to find out where you can take part in a local event to learn more about his leadership in the civil rights movement.

As we celebrate the start of 2024, it's important to know taxpayers will see the benefits of some common sense legislation that we passed last year. I'll break down how three tax relief measures will help individuals and families of all ages in 2024.

Here are the sections in today's email:

  • Paying Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Parts of Wilton YMCA Under Water
  • Tax Relief in 2024
Paying Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

As we approach the weekend, let’s take a moment to reflect on and celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. His leadership led to the success of the civil rights movement. His actions played a pivotal role in achieving strides toward racial equality.

Dr. King continues to inspire and affect racial progress today. His work paved the way for positive change, fostering a society that values justice, equality, and human rights.

This weekend serves as an opportunity for all of us to commemorate Dr. King’s legacy. We can recommit ourselves to unity and justice while contributing to the ongoing pursuit of civil rights.

You are invited to join the Wilton community on Monday to gather and reflect on how far we have come in our inclusive society. Organizers will also discuss what else we can do collectively to improve racial equality in Dr. King's honor. The event will be held at the Wilton YMCA Main Lobby from 1:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M. 

Reserving a spot is not required, but you can register here for the event.

Parts of Wilton YMCA Under Water
As you can see, parts of the Wilton YMCA remain under water, forcing the facility to close for several days this week. Thank you to everyone for their patience and understanding as the water swallowed up the parking lots and outdoor facilities.
Click Here for YMCA's Inclement Weather Policies
Tax Relief in 2024

As a result of fiscal responsibility and bipartisanship in 2023, I am pleased to announce that significant relief is on the way for many Connecticut taxpayers in 2024!

Three tax relief measures went into effect on January 1, including the largest income tax cut in state history, an increase in a tax credit aimed at the lowest-income workers, and an expansion of exemptions on certain pension and annuity earnings that will benefit the senior population.

Here's a closer look at the tax cuts, who specifically benefits, and how:

One million filers to benefit from income tax cuts:

The changes enacted in 2024 will see a decrease in the two lowest rates:

  • The 3% rate on the first $10,000 earned by single filers and the first $20,000 by joint filers will drop to 2%.
  • The 5% rate on the next $40,000 earned by single filers and the next $80,000 by joint filers will drop to 4.5%.

The relief targets middle-class tax filers and is capped at $150,000 for single filers and $300,000 for joint filers. This is the first time that rates have been reduced in the state since the mid-1990s and it represents the largest income tax cut enacted in state history.

For more information, single filers click here. For joint filers, click here.

Connecticut’s Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for low-income workers becomes one of the largest in the U.S. 

The EITC in Connecticut is increasing from 30.5% to 40% of the federal EITC and will provide an additional $44.6 million in state tax credits to the approximately 211,000 low-income filers who receive the credit. More than 95% of filers who receive this credit are families with children.

The Connecticut EITC is a refundable state income tax credit for the lowest income working individuals and families that mirrors the federal EITC.


Expanding certain deductions for IRA distributions and pension and annuity earnings for seniors

The state budget eliminates the retirement income tax cliff by adding a phase-out for allowable pension annuity and IRA distribution deductions against the personal income tax.

Approximately 200,000 filers benefit from the currently enacted retiree exemption limits. It is estimated that with these changes, an additional 100,000 filers could benefit from the elimination of the retirement cliff via the exemption phase-out.

I would like to thank all my colleagues for working diligently during the 2023 legislative session to help provide this tax relief for many of our hardest-working state residents. The three measures will reduce tax burdens on CT taxpayers by $460 million!