Small Business Saturday - Shop Local

November 24, 2023

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Small Business Saturday is tomorrow, and it's a great opportunity to support our local entrepreneurs, artisans, and small stores that make our community unique and vibrant.

Some of these businesses are still working to recover from the pandemic. Your support can make a significant difference in helping your favorites shops, bookstores, or restaurants bounce back and thrive. The resilience they've shown during such challenging times is truly admirable.

By choosing to shop local, we're not just making purchases; we're investing in our community's vitality and ensuring that these businesses can continue to create jobs, offer unique products and services, and help stimulate our local economy. Let's come together this holiday season to celebrate and support them. It's a powerful way to show solidarity and make a difference.
My colleagues and I doubled down by supporting small businesses during the 2023 legislative session.

With the holiday season quickly approaching, you may want to consider buying gift cards and certificates from a local business. According to Boost Suite, there are 350,376 small businesses in our state, which make up 99% of all businesses in Connecticut. To find small businesses in your area, please click here
Thank you for supporting our locally owned businesses. I wish you and your family a happy holiday season.