Share your health care story

February 11, 2019

Too many people in Connecticut are struggling to obtain affordable health-care insurance. As your representative at the Capitol, I want to make sure that you and others in our state have access to adequate coverage at an affordable price.

My colleagues and I are working to create a state-based “public option” health-care plan so that everyone in Connecticut can obtain affordable insurance. To help create this option, we are collecting stories of residents’ interactions with our health-care system.

If you or anyone you know has a story to tell, please share it with me to help us craft new legislation. Just email me your story.

Some of the things we’d like to know are: do you have health insurance or adequate access to it at an affordable price; have the cost of your prescriptions kept you from purchasing them; do you get your insurance through Access Health CT?

In the last two years, the legislature has passed legislation on behalf of Connecticut consumers. We created the state’s first prescription drug price transparency law, expanded women’s health care and wrote the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Essential Health Benefits into state law so that no matter what happens in Washington, people won’t lose coverage because of things like pre-existing conditions or mental health.

And now we need to do more so everyone is protected.