Holding Eversource Accountable

August 10, 2020

Our state has been devastated by Tropical Storm Isaias, causing over 700,000 power outages across Connecticut, prompting Governor Ned Lamont Wednesday to apply for an emergency declaration from the federal government. The declaration was approved and allows Connecticut to request direct federal assistance to bolster its response. 

Despite ongoing efforts, 414,000 customers are still without power and will remain in the dark into next week as Eversource predicts power restoration will be "substantially complete" by Tuesday at 11:59 p.m.

Eversource's response to Tropical Storm Isaias has been unacceptable and abysmal. The level of unpreparedness, lack of communication and responsiveness from our largest energy company has been inexcusable. I join Governor Lamont and Attorney General Tong, and my colleagues in calling for an immediate investigation into Eversource on their preparation and response to this storm. Since major storms in 2011 and 2012, ratepayers have spent millions to strengthen the electric grid and improve communications systems, which all failed during the storm.

With some of the highest energy rates in the continental US, our constituents and ratepayers deserve better, and Eversource executives must be held accountable.

Residents still without power can find helpful information below: