Access Health Open Enrollment

October 27, 2020

As many families struggle with the challenges of COVID-19, Access Health has opened enrollment for those with a Qualifying Life Event (QLE) such as the loss of a job and health insurance because of the pandemic.

You will be able to make an appointment at one of six enrollment locations or attend a virtual open enrollment fair.  Also, enrollment centers will be located in different communities throughout the state.

After a Virtual Healthy Chat you will:

  • Know what Access Health CT (AHCT) is and how they can help you
  • Understand the types of financial help and coverage options available
  • Be prepared for 2021 Open Enrollment and the application process
  • Feel empowered to choose a plan and understand the benefits of coverage so you can stay well.

Healthy Chats will be held via Zoom (and by phone) on select Wednesdays from 3 – 4 pm and select Thursdays from 6 – 7 pm. There's also a first-ever Spanish Healthy Chats.

Open enrollment begins on November 1st for those that need health insurance but do not have a QLE. Click here for more information.