Public Hearing in the Commerce Committee

March 16, 2021

On Thursday, March 18, the Commerce Committee will hold a public hearing. One of the bills that will be discussed is HB 6606An Act Concerning Economic Development and the Renovation of Historic Mixed-Use Buildings in The State. 

This proposal, which was developed by my fellow co-chairs of the Main Street Working Group, would require the Commissioner of Economic and Community Development (DECD) to create a task force that would study potential hinderances to the renovation of historic mixed-use buildings in Connecticut.

This bill would also extend the statewide guidelines for outdoor dining beyond the period of the Governor's emergency orders in order to stabilize the restaurant industry.  

If you are interested in testifying, the registration form can be found here. Written testimony should be emailed to Registration will close on tomorrow, March 17 at 3:00 P.M. Please reach out to me as soon as possible if you have any questions about registration.