Virtual Session Today

March 25, 2021

The Connecticut House of Representatives will be in session today to discuss the extension of the state’s public health emergency declaration. You can watch the session live on CT-N starting at approximately 3:30 p.m.

While the end of the pandemic is in sight as more and more people get vaccinated, we cannot forget that we are still working through a global public health emergency.  Extending the emergency declaration will make Connecticut's transition to a post-COVID society successful and ensure we do not miss out on any federal emergency aid!  

My colleagues and I in the legislature are working to bring transparency to the process of issuing executive orders and ensure towns and cities can safely conduct necessary services, such as budget referendums and special elections.

We want to be in step with the federal government and other states to ensure that Connecticut receives the financial resources it needs to come out of this crisis. With teamwork and transparency, we will get Connecticut through this pandemic.