Today is Equal Pay Day

March 24, 2021

Today is Equal Pay Day—a day that marks the point at which it takes a woman on average to earn what her male counterpart did the year before. In 2020, a woman in Connecticut earned only $0.83 for every dollar that a white, non-Hispanic man made.

This wage gap exists regardless of where women live, what industry they work in or their education level. The gap increases in severity for minority women. The high unemployment rate during the pandemic is expected to only exacerbate these disparities.
In Connecticut and nationwide, the wage gap still exists due to gender and racial discrimination, women’s overrepresentation in low-wage jobs and underrepresentation in high-paying jobs, and economic barriers with caregiving responsibilities.

Over the years, Connecticut has taken significant steps to address the wage inequality, most notability the recent passage and implementation of paid family medical leave was a significant step for women’s ability to stay in the workforce. But, if we don’t do our part for working women in this moment of COVID-19 crisis, we will revert back decades in terms of women’s fair pay.
This session we are working to address income inequality through a number of legislative proposals, including H.B. 6380, which requires employers to provide job applicants and employees with salary ranges for vacant positions. With a high-end salary range, women are able to base their salary negotiations on an industry standard rather than their historical salaries which are often artificially lower from years of inequitable treatment in the workforce.
It’s time for us to close the gap and ensure that women receive equal pay for equal work.