Expansion of CT Shoreline Rails

June 30, 2021

During my time as a State Representative, I have constantly advocated for expanded rail service in our community. Expanding the Shore Line East rail line would have several benefits - it would make Groton and other surrounding towns more accessible,  connect our area with the rest of the state, and reduce traffic by taking cars off of the road. During the end of session, both chambers of the General Assembly passed legislation that is a significant first step towards making this expansion a reality. 

Public Act 21-175 is a comprehensive bill that includes several recommendations from the Connecticut Department of Transportation. One provision directs  Connecticut's Department of Transportation to  study the feasibility of establishing a new passenger train station in Groton. The DOT will also study extending the Shore Line East rail line to Rhode Island and a establishing a new passenger rail service  from New London to  Norwich.

This study is a huge victory for local transit advocates. I'd like to thank State Representatives Anthony Nolan and Brian Smith, as well as State Senator Cathy Osten for their dedication to this issue. To read more, check out this piece in the New Haven Register