January 6th Newsletter

January 7, 2022
We are constantly working to provide updates and important news as it develops over social media and by email. This is a recap of some recent highlights.

For more information about the state's response efforts visit ct.gov/coronavirus. To receive text message notifications, sign up for CTAlert, the state’s emergency alert system. To subscribe, text "COVIDCT" to 888-777.


Relief Program Now Available for CT Essential Workers Impacted by COVID-19

I have some exciting news to share.

The Connecticut Essential Workers COVID-19 Assistance Fund is now up and running. It was authorized by the legislature in June for the purpose of easing the financial burden on essential workers who became ill and were unable to work, or died, between March 10, 2020 and July 20, 2021.

The program assists with:

·       Lost Wages – Unpaid leave and lost wages if an employee was unable to work after contracting COVID-19, or due to symptoms later diagnosed as COVID-19. 

·       Out-of-Pocket Medical Expenses – For medical services related to contracting COVID-19 that were not covered by insurance.

·       Burial Expenses – Burial/funeral expenses of $3,000 for an eligible essential worker who died from COVID-19.

Families can also apply for any combination of the three benefits on behalf of a qualified essential worker who died after contracting COVID-19. The program can distribute up to $34 million on a first-come, first-served basis through June 30, 2024, or until the fund is depleted. The application portal is now open.

The program stands to help thousands of first responders, hospital workers and many more who put their lives on the line to help Connecticut stay safe.
If you or someone you know is eligible and in need of assistance, please apply and share the information about the Connecticut Essential Workers COVID-19 Assistance Fund with them so they can apply, too.


School Attendance Guidelines

Balancing education and the effects of in-person learning on public health has been a daunting and ongoing task during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially as cases are on the rise as students and faculty return from their holiday break.

The State Department of Education (SDE), which is responsible for setting the rules for school attendance during this pandemic, has reiterated its position that remote learning can only be an option for schools in rare circumstances for students who:

  • Must be in isolation due to close contact with a confirmed case
  • Have live-in family members who have documented an unusual vulnerability to COVID-19
  • Have a Planning and Placement Team that revised an Individualized Education Program based on a determination that instruction in the home provides a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment
  • Attend a school district that has been affected by a legislative or gubernatorial emergency decision that requires school or district closures

These guidelines aim to keep schools open and prevent loss from remote learning so that schools meet the 180-day school year requirement. The guidelines direct any remote-learning decisions to adhere to recommendations from the SDE, Public Health, and the Centers for Disease Control.

Addressing public health while providing students with a quality educational experience requires a commitment from everyone and I will keep you updated on any developments that impact our school districts.