Visit with Students and Staff at West Haven High School

February 7, 2022

I had the chance to meet and get to know some of the youngest and brightest at West Haven High School.

Students proudly gave me a tour of their brand-new building. I loved seeing the students so motivated by their interests and I loved learning about the world through their eyes.

As a fan of the arts, it was great to see all the different programs students were involved in. Like building the new theater in workshop classes.

west haven hs

The teachers and principals were lovely to speak with especially when they expressed how important it is to have a safe school environment.

In this week's session, school mask mandates will be one of the topics of discussion.

We all want our students to thrive and have an environment that supports the success of every student.

west haven hs

It is important for me to hear from you and to do what's best for my district.

As we go through this legislative session, I look forward to using my platform to advocate for the district as best as I can.

west haven hs