Critical Benefits Coming To an End
February 24, 2023I am writing to inform you there will be changes for some of our most vulnerable individuals and families who are on Medicaid. Starting on April 1, the COVID-19 public health emergency protection will be coming to an end. Medicaid enrollees who were continuously covered will again have to provide proof of eligibility to continue getting benefits.
If you get your healthcare through HUSKY or DSS, you have not had to do your annual redetermination since March 2020. But starting in April, you will have to prove your eligibility once every year. In addition, you will need to provide identification, address, and proof of income.
The Department of Social Services Field Offices are open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8 am - 4:30 pm.
In addition, extra SNAP benefits have come to an end. Since April 2020, some individuals and families received an extra SNAP payment on their EBT cards in the middle of each month. According to the Department of Social Services, it does not have control over when those benefits end since they are tied to federal legislation.
SNAP redetermination happens every six months. You will once again have to provide identification, your address, proof of income, and your social security information.
All households that are eligible for SNAP benefits will receive one payment starting in March. Those funds will arrive in the first three days of the month depending on the last name. Those in the program will receive their normal monthly benefit.
Households can now check their EBT balance in real-time by visiting On MyDSS, you can also update DSS with any case changes, complete renewals, view documents, or verify case status from a computer or mobile device.
To learn more as well as where to obtain resources for families dealing with the ending of the extra SNAP benefits, visit: