Speed Safety Cameras Up and Running

April 19, 2023

I fully support a brand-new speed safety camera pilot program, which is designed to reduce crashes in DOT work zones. The state’s first speed cameras, which are mounted on three SUVs, went up last week. One of them is in Waterbury on I-84 West on the Mixmaster from 9 p.m. – 6 a.m. Monday through Friday.
This program came about after we passed a transportation bill that I fully advocated for to protect workers and drivers. The speed safety cameras are not designed to create new sources of revenue but to change behaviors. There have been far too many crashes in work zones, which has led to unnecessary tragedy.

Courtesy: DOT


Here is what you need to know about this program:

  • Cameras only deployed at DOT work zones through the end of the year
  • Locations of the cameras are advertised -- click here to see them
  • First infraction is a warning, second is a $75 fine, and third is a $150 fine


The Department of Transportation continues to track speeds and to assess the situation. We will have more results as more data comes in. My hope is the speed safety pilot program will result in safer work zones.