Face Equality Week

May 15, 2023

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Dear Neighbor,
Changing Faces, a leading charity for everyone with a scar, mark, or condition on their face or body, observes Face Equality Week this week - a time to celebrate our differences and our similarities.
The theme this year is "stigma," aiming to challenge bias and break down barriers for those with visual differences and disfigurement. Too often, people are treated unfairly and with ridicule simply for how they look. Face Equality Week raises awareness of this issue, and encourages us to tackle it head-on.
We are all humans and deserve to be treated based on who we are on the inside, not the outside. I hope you'll join me in a celebration of our differences this week and every week.
If you have never heard of Face Equality Week, I highly encourage you to take some time to read about this under-discussed event and issue. To read more about Face Equality Week, click here.
If you have any additional questions, comments, or concerns, I can be reached by phone at 1-800-842-8267 or by email at Christine.Conley@cga.ct.gov. For legislative updates, please like my Official Facebook Page.


Christine Conle


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