Celebrating Juneteenth

June 22, 2023

I joined the Black and Puerto Rican Caucus to take part in a Juneteenth panel discussion and flag raising ceremony at the State Capitol. Juneteenth celebrates the end of slavery in our country. This important holiday was not in the main stream for several years, but thanks to the tireless work of advocates, it is now rightfully recognized throughout the country. 

Juneteenth flag raised at the State Capitol

One of those advocates is Connecticut resident Ben Haith, who created the Juneteenth flag. The state recognized him for his tireless efforts to show that African Americans are a vital part of our country. In 1997, Haith worked with a team to design the flag, which features a star to represent Texas along with a rising star in red, white, and blue. Texas plays a large role in the history on Juneteenth because on June 19, 1865, a group of Union soldiers traveled to Galveston, Texas and informed enslaved individuals there of their freedom two months after the Civil War. They were among the last group of Americans to receive the news.

Ben Haith was recognized for creating the Juneteenth flag.

I want to thank everyone who was involved in making the Juneteenth panel discussion and flag raising such a great event – including Dr. Dwayne Smith, who served as Grand Marshal, Sen. Patricia Miller, Rep. Anthony Nolan, J. Stan McCauley, Chad Woodyard, Sgt. Luke LaRue, Lori Stewart, June Archer, Donna Campbell, Reverend Dr. Jeff Powell, and Steven Hernández.