Eversource, UI File Reduced Rates for Electricity with PURA

May 19, 2023

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Dear Neighbor,

Eversource and United Illuminating (UI), Connecticut's two electric distribution companies (EDCs), have filed new and lower standard service rates for residential customers from July 1 through December 31 with the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA), and the average bills are expected to decrease significantly from current levels.

Eversource and UI file to change rates twice annually, with the rates going into effect on January 1 and July 1 of each year. The cost of natural gas, which provides the fuel for most of the heat and electricity across Connecticut and New England, is subject to continued market volatility and international factors like Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. As a result, present bills were pushed as much as $80 higher on average since the beginning of 2023 and running through June 30.

While dropping electricity rates is positive news, PURA also recently took a significant step toward additional accountability for Eversource and UI by implementing performance-based regulation (PBR) starting in 2024. Connecticut is one of the first states in the country to establish such a system, which was part of the “Take Back Our Grid Act” we passed in October 2020.

PBR has the potential to align regulatory tools since there are certain goals Eversource and UI will be expected to achieve, including fulfillment of public policies, empowering customers, and providing reasonable, equitable and affordable rates as opposed to roller coaster increases and decreases.

Connecticut’s implementation of PBR signals a commitment to dually improving utility performance and customer outcomes. It is not an attempt to hurt the utilities. PBR will show residents, however, that the utilities will keep their best interests in mind within a specific operating framework.

Walk Bridge Replacement Project in Norwalk

Great news! The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) is starting construction on the Norwalk River Railroad (Walk) Bridge Replacement Project in Norwalk.

Originally built in 1896, the Walk Bridge is a four-track railroad bridge that spans the Norwalk River and serves as a critical link on the Northeast Corridor, connecting major cities such as Boston, New York, and Washington, D.C. It is one of the oldest movable bridges in the region, and in recent years it has shown its age, failing to close on several occasions and significantly disrupting travel on the New Haven Line, the busiest rail line in the country.

This bridge replacement project promotes economic development through infrastructure investment, the protection of potential up-river development, and reduced roadway congestion.

The new bridge will be a redundant structure with two independent, movable spans that are designed and constructed to be resilient and sustainable for extreme weather events. 

The $925 million construction project is approximately 80% federally funded and 20% state funded. It is expected to be completed in 2029.

When I was a Norwalk Common Council member, I voted to move this project forward. I am thrilled by this development and will follow the project closely. 

Advocates at the Capitol  
One of the more energizing parts of serving as a legislator is visiting with groups of advocates who come to the Capitol building to fight for their cause. Some groups come to spread awareness, others are pushing for legislative change. Several groups visited Hartford this week, including supporters of child care, higher education funding, and Alzheimer’s awareness. Wednesday was Alzheimer's Advocacy Day. Like many of you, this terrible disease has touched my family, and the testimony I heard moved me deeply. I am grateful for the work of all of the advocates. 
National Conference of State Legislators (NCSL) Child Welfare Fellow 
I am proud to announce that I was chosen as a National Conference of State Legislators (NCSL) Child Welfare Fellow and will be representing the 143rd  District and Connecticut proudly when the fellows convene in Nashville and Denver later this year. 

This new role will help me not only continue but improve upon my advocacy for our youngest generations under the Capitol dome. I look forward to learning more from fellow legislators from all across the country about innovative ways to address some of the most important issues of our time for the next generations

ICYMI Updates on House Bills Passed This Week
ICYMI: That's a wrap for this week! We'll be back in session on Tuesday. Here's a highlight of some of the bills we passed in the last few days. ⬇️

✅ HB 6677: Families who are tasked with taking care of loved ones need a lifeline. HB 6677 will require the Department of Social Services to develop a plan that will increase the number of residents eligible to receive adult day services.

✅ HB 6820: Health care providers shouldn’t face out-of-state repercussions for doing what’s legal in Connecticut. H.B. 6820 protects Connecticut providers performing safe and legal reproductive health care services to those who need it.

✅  HB 6892: Putting teeth in municipal blight laws to increase the tools towns have to deal with abandoned, blighted and unsafe properties. 

 ✅ HB 6746: Sadly, wrong-way crashes and deaths have been on the rise in our state. Today, we took action to help reduce incidents and minimize fatalities. 

 ✅  HB 5314: Attention consumers! Under HB 5314 businesses will no longer be able to charge your credit card, debit card, or third-party payment account without your consent for automatic renewal or continuous services. 


I will be at Norwalk’s First Book at Norwalk High this Saturday starting at 11 am, and at Veteran’s Park at 12:30 for the City’s Veteran’s Ceremony and the Westport Chamber of Commerce Dog Fest around 3 pm this Sunday. Hope to see you at these important community events!

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Dominique Johnson
State Representative


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