Legislative Update- 6/7/23

June 7, 2023

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It has been just over a week since we wrapped up what has been my first legislative session as a state representative here in Connecticut. I intentionally took some time to reflect on all that I have learned, experienced and shared in this new role & what it has meant to me. The strongest and most consistent sentiment I feel is gratitude. I am grateful for all of those who have mentored me, befriended me or guided me within the legislature. I am forever thankful to my constituents, neighbors and family who have trusted me to be their voice in Hartford, always serving as my “true north” through each and every vote. Never have I worked in such an incredibly diverse, enriching and supportive environment. I am a better person and legislator because of the vast experiences each person brings and shares in this chamber. 
I have never and will never take for granted the great privilege of this position; the great honor of representing my beloved 98th district. In the weeks to come, I will share with you all of the great legislation we have moved forward, the bipartisan budget we have passed, and all the other critical steps forward we have taken together as a state. But, for today, I simply want to say thank you.

With gratitude,



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