Hispanic Heritage Month - CT Paid Family Leave Forum

Our Panel Discussion will be Hosted by CT Paid Leave Authority & CT State Representatives of the Hispanic Community to speak on experiences with paid leave.
Wednesday October 11th – 12noon – 1:30
Legislative Office Building – HEARING ROOM 1D
300 Capitol Ave Hartford
We will be highlighting the different reasons people can apply for CT Paid Leave, including:
- Treatment for a serious health condition (with a focus on men’s health)
- Mental health
- Pregnancy/childbirth or bonding with a new child
- Caring for a loved one with a serious illness
- Family violence leave (CTPL is available for victims of family violence to seek medical or psychological care, get help from a victim services organization, participate in civil or criminal proceedings or relocate)
- There will be Q & A portion on the end
- Translation will be visible in person on Zoom.