Local Restaurant and Entertainment Resources - COVID

April 9, 2020

I hope everyone is keeping healthy and safe while we continue to follow social distancing measures. Everything that we are doing is working, as we are seeing a small flattening of the curve, with the number of hospitalizations growing at a slower pace. Please remember to Stay Safe and Stay Home. It is truly the only thing we can do to combat the virus.

We are in the Passover and Easter holidays, and there is a lot of temptation to see our friends and family to celebrate. We can all still virtually celebrate with the many online applications or even the phone. With kids getting a well deserved break from their distance learning, I thought that it would be good to pull together some resources to entertain yourselves during this time off and maybe try some new restaurants.

Entertainment and Educational Resources:

The Maritime Aquarium is offering daily virtual programs including IMAX movies and live Q&A's about different animal species. They also have resources for virtual science lessons for teachers.

Schedule of events: www.maritimeaquarium.org/events

Teacher Resources: www.maritimeaquarium.org/distance-learning

Stepping Stones Museum – Here is a link to their YouTube page with some songs/ performances from the museum: www.youtube.com/user/SteppingStonesMuseum

Norwalk Orchestra - they have linked some of their pieces to the homepage of their website that are available for listening: www.norwalksymphony.org This includes the concert notes, talks with the conductors, and original versions of the pieces they had prepared for their March concert.

Wall St. Theatre - producing live streams on their social media pages. Please check out their media platforms directly (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram).

New Canaan Summer Theatre – Special dinner and show night, April 9, 10, 11 at 8PM and April 12 at 6PM. Enjoy a fun Cabaret Evening:

YMCA - providing live streamed fitness classes for all YMCA members online: www.wiltonymca.org/16164-2/

New Canaan Chamber of Commerce – Fun things for kids: newcanaanchamber.com/2020/01/08/fun-things-to-do-at-home/

Other resources a bit further afield:

Peloton (like the bike) has a 90-day free trial of their mobile workout app which includes, cardio, strength, walking, yoga, and meditation. You can do all types of workouts without any equipment as well!

This website Stellarium stellarium-web.org gives kids access to look at stars, constellations, and planets all online.

Boston's Children's Museum is also offering virtual tours! www.bostonchildrensmuseum.org/museum-virtual-tour


I am sure everyone has heard how hard it is for our local restaurants during this time and I know there are many people are supporting these wonderful establishments. Thank you for helping – we need to be there for them to make sure that they can survive this period so that when it is safe to relax these social distancing rules, they are there for us.

Here are some great local choices, all offering safe curbside pickup. I know I needed a break from cooking, so I have been doing this a few times a week, either for breakfast, lunch or even afternoon frozen yogurt. Please try something new and support local business!

New Canaan and Norwalk Chambers of Commerce have pulled together a listing of restaurants. I would suggest that you follow the links here to determine if they are open or give the restaurant a call.

Other Resources:

The Connecticut Office of Tourism is helping to promote local restaurants and virtual online at-home activities to help us navigate the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic.

Go to CTVisit.com for a list of restaurants, breweries and vineyards now offering take-out and delivery services. I urge you to utilize this resource as a means to support your local establishments and soften the economic impact on small businesses and their employees. Click HERE for a county-by-county guide to participating eateries.

And for virtual cultural activities you will find access to many of Connecticut's most popular landmarks, museums, and attractions to keep your family engaged while practicing safe, stay at home measures. Click HERE for access to Connecticut history, nature, the arts, entertainment and more.