Farmer's Markets Open During COVID-19

April 1, 2020

During this time of social distancing and public uncertainty, it is important to rally behind local businesses and community efforts. I wanted to reach out and remind you that farmer's markets are considered "essential" businesses and remain open during the Governor's Stay Safe, Stay Home order.

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, CT NOFA has partnered with the CT Dept of Agriculture to expand the list of farms, farmers' markets, and farm stands beyond the current CT NOFA membership - free of charge and online. It is a joint effort to promote the availability of all Connecticut farmers who can provide food and other farm products in this time of crisis. Note: Read all signs and use caution when visiting farms, markets, and grocery stores and be sure to stay away from all food establishments if you feel sick.

For a full list of farms, farmers' markets, and farm stands, click here. For the interactive map view of CT farms, farmers' markets, and farm stands, click here.