Giving People A Second Chance

May 28, 2021
Last night we passed legislation to address the social and economic disparities experienced by individuals with criminal records and those who were formerly incarcerated. Known as the Clean Slate Bill, SB 1019 is groundbreaking legislation that will help thousands of formerly incarcerated citizens in Connecticut by erasing criminal convictions for those convicted of misdemeanors and certain lower-level felonies 7 or 10 years after completion of the sentences (depending on the crime).

If you believe in second chances, it is the right thing to do. Listen to my colleague Maria Horn (a former federal prosecutor) explain way, far, far better than I can.

This bill paves the way for re-entry to society with access to good paying jobs, education, and quality housing, as those with prior criminal convictions must carry the burden of their record for the rest of their lives. Having a criminal record can restrict a person’s earnings, reduce quality of life, and prohibit formerly incarcerated individuals from fully participating in society again.

This is common sense legislation that helps those who've paid their dues. The state benefits as well as these citizens begin to contribute to the economy with jobs and business opportunities.