Endometriosis Working Group 2022 Policy Recommendations

February 17, 2022
  • Training for Healthcare Providers       
    • Require all healthcare providers to receive training, continuing education, and leadership opportunities on endometriosis that includes information on best practice for identification, treatment and referral of the disease, systemic racism, explicit and implicit bias, microaggressions, racial disparities, anti-blackness, and experiences of transgender & gender diverse people.
  • School Nurse Training
    • Require all School Nurses to receive Endo What? School Nurse Training & Toolkit for continuing education credits in addition to training on endometriosis that includes information on systemic racism, explicit and implicit bias, microaggressions, racial disparities, anti-blackness, and experiences of transgender & gender diverse youth.
  • Menstrual Equity
    • Require menstrual products, sanitary napkins and tampons, to be free in all Connecticut public schools K-college, shelters, jails, and prisons with particular attention paid to systemic racism, explicit and implicit bias, microaggressions, racial disparities, anti-blackness, and experiences of transgender & gender diverse youth.
  • Access to Medical Care
    • Require Medicaid and insurance coverage for endometriosis care that is patient centered and work with the State Department of Public Health to increase access to endometriosis screening, treatment, and social support services for Black and Latinx people, low-income people, and people experiencing homeslessness.
  • Fertility Preservation
    • Require Medicaid and insurance coverage for fertility preservation for individuals with endometriosis as determined by the presence of gynecological and non-gynecological symptoms and work with the State Department of Public Health to provide multilingual resources for individuals seeking more information on fertility preservation.
  • Education for Students
    • Work with the State Department of Education and Local Boards of Education to ensure that instruction on Human Growth & Development includes information on common reproductive health concerns, including Endometriosis, Uterine Fibroids, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), and Interstitial Cystitis (IC).
  • Data Collection
    • Work with the Department of Public Health to initiate clinical data and tissue collection to better understand and study endometriosis  with particular attention paid to systemic racism, explicit and implicit bias, microaggressions, racial disparities, anti-blackness, and experiences of transgender & gender diverse youth.
  • Research
    • Work with the Department of Public Health, researchers, and healthcare providers to expand research on endometriosis that includes adequate representation of Black, Latinx, and People of Color, transgender & gender diverse people, and people with disabilities.