New State Laws Effective July 1
June 29, 2022A number of new laws passed during the 2022 legislative session will implement positive and meaningful change in our state, and many took effect on July 1.
There is a link below for a complete list, but here are some highlights:
Paid family leave
Among other provisions, this law requires employers to notify their employees at the time of hiring and every year thereafter about their entitlement to family and medical leave and family violence leave. It also prohibits employer retaliation against an employee for requesting, applying for, or using family medical leave for which an employee is eligible.
Protections for Reproductive and Gender-Affirming Health Services
In light of the recent Supreme Court Decision on Roe v. Wade, here in Connecticut we took proactive steps to ensure reproductive rights. This new law establishes protections for individuals seeking an abortion and physicians performing services. It also protects against out-of-state judgments based on reproductive or gender-affirming health care services that are legal in Connecticut. In addition, the law allows advanced practice registered nurses, nurse midwives, and physician assistants to provide reproductive services.
The adjusted state budget established the JobsCT tax rebate program for companies in specified industries to earn rebates for reaching certain job creation targets.
Indoor Air Quality in Public Schools
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the legislature passed several initiatives to improve schools’ indoor air quality. A grant program was created to reimburse boards of education for costs associated with installing, replacing, or upgrading heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems or other air quality improvements. Additionally, the act requires boards of education to conduct a uniform inspection and evaluation of the HVAC system in each school building under its jurisdiction every five years and take any necessary corrective actions.
Captive Audience Meetings
A new law generally prohibits employers from penalizing employees or threatening to do so for refusing to attend employer-sponsored meetings, listen to speech, or view communications primarily intended to convey the employer’s opinion about religious or political matters, including whether to join or support labor organizations.
Catalytic Converters
To help reduce the recent increase in theft, several changes were made regarding the receipt and sale of catalytic converters, including prohibiting anyone other than a motor vehicle recycler or motor vehicle repair shop from selling more than one unattached converter to a scrap metal processor, junk dealer, or junk yard owner in a day. The law also establishes several recordkeeping requirements, such as affixing or writing a stock number on converters.
Isolated Confinement
This new law limits the amount of time and circumstances under which an incarcerated person may be held in isolated confinement with less than four hours per day out of a cell. The law also requires that any use of isolated confinement maintain the least restrictive environment needed for the safety of incarcerated individuals, staff, and facility security, and prohibits holding minors in isolated confinement.
Click Here for a Full List of New Laws Effective July 1, 2022
Your calls, emails, and testimony at public hearings during this year's legislative session had a direct influence on these new laws. Thank you for participating in our democracy and please continue expressing your views and making your voice heard.