Special Session Vote Helps Struggling Families

December 1, 2022

With many families in Connecticut facing added financial strain due to rising prices, the legislature went into special session earlier this week to provide some relief.

A bipartisan bill passed by the General Assembly and signed into law by Governor Lamont extends the current suspension of the gasoline tax, provides additional funding for energy assistance programs, and continues premium pay for frontline workers.


How will this relief affect you?

Suspended and Reduced Gasoline Taxes

The current suspension of the 25-cent-per-gallon gas tax was set to expire November 30. With numerous factors still causing increased gas prices, we voted to cut $90 million in gas taxes by extending the gas tax suspension for an additional month, followed by a reduced gas tax through April 2023.

Free Bus Service

Free public transit bus service was also scheduled to end on November 30. The bill we passed extends the free bus service through March 31, 2023. Currently, bus fare collection must resume on April 1, 2023, to remain compliant with federal rules.

Energy Assistance

An additional $30 million in ARPA funding for the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) was approved.

Click here to Learn More & Apply for LIHEAP

We also voted to increase funding for Operation Fuel, an additional energy assistance resource for qualifying low-income families.
To learn more about Operation Fuel, or to apply for upcoming assistance beginning December 19th, please click the button below.

Learn More & Apply for Operation Fuel

Premium Pay for Frontline Workers

We also added funding in support of the premium pay program for the over 100,000 Connecticut workers who were on the front lines throughout the pandemic. The majority of this aid will go to the most low-income essential worker applicants.

Though the regular legislative session convenes in January, we believed it was important to act now in a special session to help assist families across Connecticut.