On April 1, a number of resources that offered vital assistance to our most vulnerable community members came to an end or ended expanded eligibility.
- Free Bus Services in Connecticut
- Bus fares for all buses and ADA paratransit in Connecticut have returned
- Federal restrictions prevent the state from extending this benefit for more than a year
- SNAP Bump Payments and Automatic Determination
- Families will no longer receive the additional pandemic-related payment in the middle of the month
- Redeterminations restarted and will occur every 6 months
- DSS does not have any control over when these benefits end because funding was provided under federal legislation
- HUSKY Continuous Coverage
- Medicaid enrollees will again have to provide proof of eligibility annually
If you, or a loved one were utilizing any of these resources and are now experiencing a disruption in vital care, please contact me by clicking the button below. My office and I will work to provide additional resources that may be able to offer you necessary assistance.