Meeting Constituents in Person, Autism Acceptance Month, and Seal Released Into Ocean

April 14, 2023

I had the pleasure of meeting constituents in person alongside Representative Christine Conley and Representative Anthony Nolan on Thursday evening in Groton.

We informed residents on everything that’s going on at the Capitol at a Legislative Update at Thrive 55+ Active Living Center on Newtown Road. They asked us some great questions, and we have a lovely conversation! Thanks to everyone who came out to meet us!

Cathy and her team at the New London Homeless Hospitality Center serve Southeastern Connecticut and provide critical services that address homelessness in Groton and Stonington.

It was great to meet with them and learn about their initiatives, programming, and needs as they continue to provide housing opportunities for our communities in need. I was particularly impressed with their innovative programming to support our veterans and the establishment of the Housing Resource Center.

Thank you New England Science & Sailing Foundation for showing me around your campus in Stonington Borough Tuesday morning. I enjoyed learning about their nationally recognized marine sciences STEM curriculum and programming with our schools! The folks who work there engage students in experimental learning that builds confidence, teamwork, and leadership skills!


My wife and I went for a walk on a gorgeous holiday weekend on Barn Island in Stonington. If you haven't hiked on these trails, you're missing out! Be sure the check out our pristine green areas!

From our family to yours, we hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend!



April is Autism Acceptance Month. This year's theme, “Celebrate Differences,” aims to herald the acceptance of individuals beyond the spectrum.

The Autism Society of America dropped the term "Autism Awareness Month" in 2021 to promote receptivity and inclusivity.
Autism is a complex developmental condition stemming from differences in a person's brain structure and neurotransmitters affecting individuals' verbal and non-verbal communication. Currently, 1 in 54 children is diagnosed with autism every year.

Things to remember about autism:

  • Autism is a disorder, not a disease
  • Individuals with autism need our support and not our judgment
  • It is likely you have met someone with autism, even if you think you haven't
  • Everyone on the autism spectrum is different, and there are many subtypes
  • Children with autistic characteristics are generally diagnosed by age four
  • Diagnosis rates may be increasing, but there are now better ways to monitor and assess symptoms

It is important to celebrate our differences so we can learn more about one another and empower all those who have autism.


Tax filing season is upon us. As you prepare to file, I urge you to be mindful of potential scams. The IRS produces a list of "dirty dozen" tax scams.  While these scams can occur year-round, they tend to increase during this time of the year. It’s wise to stay on top of the latest list of common issues  and take some simple steps to stay safe from them. 

A great way to protect yourself is to do additional research on anything that seems suspicious. Do not click on an email or a link to an unfamiliar website. Never give out any personal information—especially your Social Security Number—to someone claiming to represent the IRS over the phone or online. When in doubt, visit for additional guidance.
Filing taxes can be a stressful process. Avoiding these scams can prevent an even larger headache.

Remember, the deadline to file is April 18. Trained volunteers at Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) sites offer free tax filing assistance from through mid-April. As long as your annual income is below $60,000, the service is free of charge. You can meet a volunteer at St. Mark's Episcopal Church on Pearl Street in Mystic.


I am appalled by the Republican-led Tennessee House of Representatives for expelling two, young black representatives last week. Reps. Justin Jones and Justin Pearson joined a protest on the House floor demanding stricter gun control following the tragedy at a school in Nashville. Both Rep. Jones and Rep. Pearson were reinstated this past week.

I wrote a letter to the editor at the CT Examiner expressing my solidarity with both representatives. CLICK HERE to read the entire letter.


On Tuesday, Mystic Aquarium released Northlands back into the wild live on The Today Show. Experts rehabilitated this young gray seal who was found stranded in Bermuda, where it's too hot for survival.

As you can see in this video, Northlands was a little shy when it was time to get in the water but is now back in the Atlantic Ocean! We are so grateful to have such a knowledgeable and hard-working team at Mystic Aquarium!


The Connecticut Storytelling Center is hosting its 42nd annual Festival and Conference in New London. Organizers will be exploring how different tellers and many perspectives tell the story of a human being through performances, workshops, and presentations.
Here’s what you need to know about the event:

  • Friday, April 28 and Saturday, April 29
  • Thames Club
  • All Souls Unitarian Universalist Congregation
  • Public Library of New London

The Connecticut Storytelling Center strives to provide the means for everyone to experiences stories.