New Haven Non-Profits to Receive Farm Viability Grant Awards

June 23, 2023
I am pleased to share that three New Haven non-profits are the recipients of the Connecticut Department of Agriculture's Farm Viability Grant. They are as follows:
  • EMERGE Connecticut: conducts programming for previously incarcerated individuals focusing on Restorative Food Justice and Food and Farm Entrepreneurship.
  • Gather New Haven: upgrades existing infrastructure and equipment used to increase urban farm production.
  • CitySeed: supports a cohort of BIPOC farmers and offers professional learning to foster growth and success in BIPOC farm businesses.

The Connecticut Department of Agriculture has awarded grants to 25 entities through the Farm Viability Grant totaling more than $750,000. The grants will fund projects that directly respond to problems, interests, or needs in the state’s agricultural industry, specifically within the areas of urban agriculture; food supply chain; diversity, equity, and inclusion in Connecticut agriculture; and farmland access.

Congrats to these organizations!

I am excited to see them continue their great work in the community.