New Laws Effective July 1st

June 30, 2023

A number of new laws, that my colleagues and I worked on during the 2023 legislative session to implement meaningful change in our state, will take effect in Connecticut on July 1.

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New Credit Rating Upgrade

May 21, 2023

Good news for Connecticut's growing economy! Connecticut just received an upgraded credit rating from the Kroll Bond Rating Agency, which means that our General Obligation bond credit rating was upgraded from AA (stable) to AA+ (stable), just one step below the highest credit rating possible!

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Eversource, UI File Reduced Rates For Electricity With PURA

May 17, 2023

Eversource and United Illuminating (UI), Connecticut's two electric distribution companies (EDCs), have filed new and lower standard service rates for residential customers from July 1 through December 31 with the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA), and the average bills are expected to decrease significantly from current levels.

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Breaking Down the Budget Process

April 24, 2023

We are more than halfway through the regular session, and this is the time of year when legislative activity picks up in the Connecticut General Assembly. After weeks of holding public hearings, the Finance, Revenue, and Bonding Committee and Appropriations Committee approved their budget proposals (Appropriations handles the spending side and Finance handles the revenue side).

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Autism Acceptance Month

April 12, 2023

Autism Acceptance Month is highlighted in April. This year's theme, “Celebrate Differences,” aims to herald the acceptance of individuals beyond the spectrum.
Formerly known as Autism Awareness Month, in 2021 the Autism Society of America changed it to Autism Acceptance Month to promote receptivity and inclusivity.

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Sexual Awareness Month

April 6, 2023

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and I want you to be aware of the resources available to you in our community. If you need help, you can call (888) 999-5545 anytime to speak with a certified sexual assault crisis counselor in English. Dial (888) 568-8332 to speak with an expert in Spanish.

You can also contact any of the member sexual assault crisis programs in our state by clicking on THIS LINK and scrolling down to the “Need Help” section. These non-profit organizations provide free, confidential service in a safe, caring environment.

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