Reappointment as House Chair of the Judiciary Committee

November 15, 2024

First, let me say how thankful I am for the continuing support and trust as your State Representative and to advocate for your interests at the Capitol. I am committed to leading the effort to re-build our economy and confront systemic challenges to make our state a more just place to live, including my work as House Chair of the Judiciary Committee.

Today, Speaker of the House Matt Ritter and House Majority Leader Jason Rojas reappointed me to that position. I am honored, and it is a privilege to lead this committee’s important work, which includes protecting the rights of all Connecticut residents and ensuring our judiciary system treats everyone fairly and equally. I am also proud to contribute to making Connecticut one of the safest states in the nation and keeping the foundation of our democracy strong.  

I am also equally humbled and inspired by the thoughts of Speaker Ritter and Majority Leader Rojas, which you can read below.

"Steve has a vision for the state's criminal justice policy," Speaker Ritter said. "His efforts, leadership, and willingness to work with anyone with a good idea makes the Judiciary Committee one of the most efficient and important committees in the General Assembly."

“Representative Stafstrom has one of the sharpest legal minds in Connecticut and his co-stewardship of the Judiciary Committee has led to significant positive outcomes for our criminal justice system and the rule of law. Residents of the State of Connecticut have better access to justice and live in safer and more vibrant communities due to his leadership,” Majority Leader Rojas said. “Much work remains to be done to address challenges where they still clearly exist. Rep. Stafstrom is up to that challenge and responsibility. He will lead with compassion, integrity and an open mind as evidenced by the strong record of bipartisan work produced by the Committee while he has served as co-chair. I am grateful for his continued service.”

The 2025 Legislative Session starts on January 8. I appreciate being entrusted with the responsibility to once again lead the Judiciary Committee.