Stop Price Gouging

March 12, 2020

As Connecticut focuses on containing the coronavirus, the Office of the Attorney General has received multiple complaints regarding large price hikes in basic supplies like hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes.

Mientras Connecticut y nuestro país trabajan para contener el coronavirus, la Oficina del Procurador General ha recibido múltiples quejas con respecto a grandes aumentos abusivos de precio en suministros básicos como desinfectantes para manos y toallas desinfectantes.

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Stop Solitary Confinement

March 3, 2020

I participated in a moment of simulated solitary confinement at the state capitol today as a reminder that this type of punishment must be done away with. It does nothing to rehabilitate inmates and contributes to long-term and debilitating psychological damage.

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Proposed Federal Cuts For CT

February 25, 2020

The chaotic state of affairs in Washington D.C. can often feel distant from the day-to-day issues that come up in our lives. However, it's important to stay up to date at the federal level because decisions made there can have a direct impact on vital services and programs for residents across our state. Perhaps no better example of this dynamic exists than in proposals concerning the federal budget.

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