June 15th is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

June 14, 2024

June 15 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Statistics show that 10% of adults aged 65 and older will experience some sort of elder abuse. Elder abuse can be physical, but the most commonly occurs through financial exploitation.

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Aging Bills Signed into Law

June 7, 2024

On Tuesday, two aging bills - HB 5001 and HB 5046 - were ceremoniously signed into law. An event to commemorate the bill signing was held at the Seabury Retirement Community in Bloomfield. I was proud to stand with Speaker Ritter and my colleagues from both sides of the isle who helped push these bills past the finish line.

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Windsor Green Clean

May 14, 2024

On June 1, I am joining Connecticut Clean Communities and First Town Downtown for a spring litter cleanup at the Windsor Green.

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Helping Support Our Disabled Veterans

May 2, 2024

Veterans put their lives on the line for our country and, as a small way to say “thank you for your service,” the House of Representatives unanimously passed a bill that would support Veterans who have been disabled during service.

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Supporting Seniors

April 29, 2024

As the elderly population steadily grows, there is an urgency to provide resources and assistance to this community. As the co-chair of the Aging committee, it is my responsibility to push for legislation that will benefit older residents in our state. I worked tirelessly with my fellow co-chairs, members of the Aging committee, and Speaker Ritter to craft legislation that protects seniors and meaningfully changes elder care.

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