Millions Approved for Heating Assistance

February 14, 2024
Today, we approved $17 million in additional cold weather heating assistance funds – many residents and families who receive assistance through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) or Operation Fuel will have access to funds to ensure they can heat their homes through the cold weather season.

As your State Representative, it is my responsibility to stand up for my constituents. This funding ensures that none of our neighbors must choose between paying their bills or freezing.

I am committed to enhancing the safety and quality of life for all residents, and I will continue to do so throughout this legislative session.

Farm-to-School Grant for Bridgeport

Some exciting news for Bridgeport! Nourish Bridgeport, Inc., is receiving a nearly $5,000 grant from the Connecticut Department of Agriculture. The farm-to-school project can help feed our students who need healthy food while simultaneously supporting our local farming businesses. I'm proud that Bridgeport will be a part of this future.