Radiological Society of Connecticut Names Rep. Cook a Legislative Champion
October 14, 2020The Radiological Society of Connecticut has named State Representative Michelle Cook (D – Torrington) a "Legislative Champion" for her advocacy of preventative breast cancer screenings and patient protections.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month throughout the United States.
"Breast cancer screenings can be lifesaving and it is critical that we work to remove barriers to expand access so women can get regular screenings. My mother is a breast cancer survivor and I know how important her early diagnosis was for her recovery. No one should have to forego vital medical care because of its prohibitive cost. Thank you to the Radiological Society of Connecticut for this honorable recognition," said Rep. Cook.
Rep. Cook has been selected as a "Legislative Champion" for her advocacy and support of early breast cancer screenings, which are critical for early detection, and mandating insurance coverage of additional tests for women who are at a higher risk for breast cancer.
“Representative Michelle Cook has been a strong and tenacious advocate for programs that provide help to women who need assistance with their annual mammograms. We appreciate her work on this issue and believe that lives will be saved as more women have the important imaging test,” said Michael Crain, MD, president of the society.
During the 2018 legislative session, Rep. Cook advocated for a bill that enables women to have an annual breast exam using breast tomosynthesis without out-of-pocket expenses. This technology is a three-dimensional mammogram that enables a radiologist to determine if small cancers are present in breast tissue. It has been shown to reduce patient call-backs for additional testing due to the uncertainty of images.
In 2019, she supported the biennial state budget that further expanded insurance coverage for breast ultrasounds for women who are at higher risk for breast cancer due to their age or due to having dense breast tissue, and prohibited insurers from charging coinsurance, copayments, deductibles, and other out-of-pocket expenses for covered breast ultrasounds and mammograms.