Stafstrom Applauds Judiciary Committee Vote on Governor's Cannabis Proposal
April 6, 2021State Representative Steve Stafstrom (D – Bridgeport), who serves as House Chair of the legislature's Judiciary Committee, issued the following statement concerning the Judiciary Committee's vote on legislation proposed by Governor Ned Lamont that regulates the recreational use of cannabis for adults over the age of 21:
"Today, the Judiciary Committee voted to move forward SB 888. While this proposal remains a work in progress, it does represent a substantial amount of work by the Committee on the criminal justice and equitability provisions of the bill. The Committee's vote today is a strong endorsement of our belief that cannabis should be legal for adult recreational use. This is something that I believe is long overdue, especially considering the strong body of research supporting the fact that cannabis is not as addictive or destructive as other legalized substances like alcohol and tobacco.
During the February 26 public hearing, committee members heard several recommendations concerning equity, revenue and regulation, and the bill before us today takes those criticisms into account. This bill improves and builds upon language to erase prior cannabis convictions and implements a mechanism to deter driving under the influence of cannabis.
A considerable amount of effort has gone into the development of this bill, and as the bill moves through the legislative process, it will continue to undergo changes. It is important to align our legalization efforts with neighboring states that have passed similar legislation and learn from those bills about what works and what does not."