Capitol Update: Committee on Children Testimony

February 25, 2022

This week at the Capitol, I testified at the Committee on Children's public hearing in regards to two important pieces of legislation. The first is a bill to develop and distribute informational material on the safe storage of cannabis and prescription drugs. I spoke about the misleading packaging that cannabis products can be encased in that are attractive to children. You can read more on HB 5155, An Act Concerning the Safe Storage of Cannabis, Cannabis Products and Prescription Drugs here

Click below to watch some highlights of my testimony on this bill: 


I also weighed in on a legislative proposal that would require police officers to be equipped with emergency brochures that contain information and resources available for young people in crisis. This would include behavioral and mental health evaluation and treatment resources, as well as services and resources available for victims of domestic violence. More information on this bill can be found here

I testified to share my perspective as a New London police officer to discuss how beneficial this informational material would be for young people in crisis. Watch below:


I would like to hear your thoughts on these proposals and your ideas on where you think we can make it stronger. Your voice is so important to the legislative process. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me! 


The CGA Bulletin has a full list of committee meetings and public hearings that are taking place at the Capitol. You'll also find detailed information on how to submit testimony or testify via Zoom. I hope you will find time to either testify in one of our public hearings or submit testimony to us on the issues that you care about. 

You can access the bulletin by clicking hereThe deadline to register to testify is always 3 p.m. the day before the hearing.