Enhancing Mental Health Services for Children & Families

February 23, 2022

The mental health and well-being of our state's youth and families has been a leading priority of mine. While we saw a rise in depression, anxiety, self-harm, and other forms of distress in young people prior to the pandemic, the increased isolation and uncertainty that has come from the past two years has exacerbated this issue. My colleagues and I have worked collaboratively on a bipartisan bill to provide additional support, resources and structural change to the children's mental health system in Connecticut.

HB 5001, An Act Concerning Children's Mental Health>, is a comprehensive proposal encompassing schools, healthcare settings, insurance eligibility, screening tools, and more. A press conference was held on Friday, Feb. 18, to unveil the legislation and discuss the ways in which it will address the needs of Connecticut's mental and behavior health system for children. You can watch the on-demand recording here.

HB 5001 - Bill Highlights

The Public Health Committee and the Committee on Children will hold a joint public hearing via Zoom on Friday, February 25th at 9 a.m. on this piece of legislation and the SB 2, An Act Expanding Preschool and Mental and Behavioral Services for Children. You can watch live on YouTube or on CT-N.

If you are interested in providing testimony, you can find information on how to do so on the CGA Bulletin. Testimony is accepted:
  • Via Zoom: Register using the On-line Testimony Registration Form
    • Registration will close on Thursday, Feb. 24, at 3:00 P.M. Speaker order of approved registrants will be posted on the Public Health Committee website on Thursday, at 6pm under Public Hearing Testimony
  • In Writing: Email in a Word or PDF format to PHtestimony@cga.ct.gov
  • By Phone: Call the Phone Registrant Line at (860) 240-0441 to leave your contact information

A detailed guide to submitting testimony can be found here.

I hope you will join in sharing your thoughts on this important piece of legislation and stay involved as this bill moves through the legislature and may undergo some changes. I will keep you updated throughout the process.