Weekly Updates & Local Happening

March 17, 2023

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Dear Neighbor, 

Wishing you and yours a very happy St Patrick's day!

Beware of Tax Scams

Tax filing season is upon us. As you prepare to file, I urge you to be mindful of potential scams. The IRS produces a list of "dirty dozen" tax scams.  While these scams can occur year-round, they tend to increase during this time of the year. It’s wise to stay on top of the latest list of common issues—and take some simple steps to stay safe from them.

A great way to protect yourself is to do additional research on anything that seems suspicious. Do not click on an email or a link to an unfamiliar website. Never give out any personal information—especially your Social Security Number—to someone claiming to represent the IRS over the phone or online. When in doubt, visit IRS.gov for additional guidance.
Filing taxes can be a stressful process. Avoiding these scams can prevent an even larger headache. The deadline to file is April 18.
Connecticut Justice Alliance Press Conference
I spoke at a press conference on Wednesday with the Connecticut Justice Alliance. Together, we will fight to remove all youth under the age of 18 from the Department of Corrections. 

I am committed to ensuring our juvenile justice system is transformed to reflect today’s challenges. For far too long the judicial system has focused efforts on incarcerating juveniles for offenses instead of making more options available for rehabilitation and opportunities to turn their lives around.  These measures in front of us today intend to expand the community-based diversion system to provide more resources and programs to these children so they can become productive members of society rather than get into more trouble as a result of an antiquated system.

Youth do not belong in a system designed for adults. HB 6888 would put an end to this practice which time and time again has been proven ineffective.

I would like to thank all the members of the Connecticut Justice Alliance who spoke and attended, and for bringing this important issue to the attention of the press and the public.

National Coast Guard National Prayer Breakfast

I had the great great opportunity this week to be keynote speaker at the National Coast Guard National Prayer Breakfast. Thank you to the numerous Cadets, Faculty and Staff from the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, U.S. Naval Subbase, Chaplin's from SECT and staff for attending the Prayer Breakfast and making it a great success. I was able to speak on "Rising Up". Dealing with difficult people - Being able to deflect drama.

Big day for the City of New London, Connecticut

New London was awarded over $7.2 million through the Community Investment Fund to help complete construction of the new Community and Recreation Center.
I am so grateful to the CIF Committee for helping the New London community continue to develop. We shall soon see our state-of-the-art facility providing activities, resources and support to residents.

Expanded Access to Health Coverage for Personal Care Attendants
Personal care attendants (PCAs) will have additional access to affordable health insurance after an agreement was reached to expand the application deadline for PCAs to apply for the first round of the new premium assistance benefit.

PCAs, who provide valuable services and support to more than 7,000 of Connecticut’s Medicaid consumers so they can remain in their homes and communities, may now apply for the premium benefit through April 7. The special enrollment period for coverage through 

Access Health CT, the state's health insurance exchange, runs until May 15. For those who do not apply for assistance by April 7, another application period will be provided later this year with payment in or around September, in time for the traditional open enrollment period on Access Health CT.
Connecticut is one of the first states to do this, and I encourage all PCA s who are not enrolled in health coverage to sign up for this important benefit.
Access Health CT has a special enrollment period and dedicated telephone line with navigator assistance for PCAs so that they can easily find the best health insurance option for them and obtain enrollment support. The Access Health CT navigators also screen the PCAs for eligibility for the HUSKY and Covered CT programs. 
PCAs will soon receive communication with instructions on how they can access this important benefit.
Harriet Tubman Day and Women's History

Harriet Tubman Day was celebrated on March 10, on the anniversary of her death. Known as the "Moses of her people," this American hero not only famously led slaves to freedom through the Underground Railroad, she also served as a scout, spy, guerrilla soldier, and nurse for the Union Army during the Civil War.

Wise words from the wordsmith and change-maker, Amanda Gorman.

"Gladys Tantaquidgeon shared 106 years with Connecticut and its people, and all of us are the richer for it." - Governor Jodi Rell

Did you know that this history-making woman founded the Tantaquidgeon Indian Museum? She based it on the belief that “you can’t hate someone you know a lot about.”

#WomensHistoryMonth #CTWomen
The CT Small Business Development Center

The CT Small Business Development Center is an incredible resource that helps small businesses start, grow, and thrive. Some of the many programs they offer include:
Comprehensive business assistance
Exclusive market research reports and management tools
Connection to public and private resources and support
Online no-cost business training courses

Head to ctsbdc.uconn.edu to learn more

Summer Enrichment Gant Program

Great News!
The highly successful Summer Enrichment Program has received funding for another two years. The program will continue to run through summer 2023 and 2024. 

Since its creation, the program has provided funding to more than 400 organizations in Connecticut that offer summer learning opportunities and has given fantastic opportunities to students whose education may have been negatively impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Pre-College Programs for High School Students

City of New London, Connecticut - Summer@Conn pre-college programs!
Connecticut College is offering residential summer programs to high school students (14-18 years old), program run by faculty and staff throughout the month of July. A great opportunity for high school students to experience college — Students can choose from different programs:
David Dorfman Dance Intensive,
Venture Incubator,
Global Focus,
EARTH (Environmental Action through Research, Theory, and Heart).
Please see the attached flyer for more details, and comment if you have any questions. Thank you so much! https://www.conncoll.edu/.../summer.../pre-college-programs/

Wrong Way Driving 

It is imperative that we pay extra attention when we drive. Pay extra attention to signs.

Wrong-way driving crashes in Connecticut tripled in 2022. This includes 13 wrong-way crashes that resulted in 23 deaths, compared to 4 wrong-way crashes in 2021 and 2 in 2020. Studies have shown that wrong-way driving crashes are 100 times more likely to be fatal than other types of crashes.

Anyone who encounters a wrong-way driver should call 9-1-1 and report the location as soon as it’s safe to do so. If a driver discovers they have entered a highway going in the wrong direction, they should immediately pull into the breakdown lane and change their direction when it is safe.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me at my Capitol office at 860-240-8512 or email me at Anthony.Nolan@cga.ct.gov. Don't forget to "Like" my official Facebook page and follow me on Twitter for news and legislative updates.

Anthony Nolan
State Representative

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