Governor Lamont was notified by the USDA that his request for a second agriculture disaster declaration, this one due to the July flooding of state farmlands, has been GRANTED.
This declaration means that farmers in all eight of Connecticut’s counties can apply for federal disaster assistance from the Farm Service Agency, such as emergency loans, to cover production losses they experienced as a result of the severe weather event, provided that certain eligibility requirements are met.
Farmers will have eight months from the date of the declaration to apply for emergency loans. The Farm Service Agency considers each emergency loan application on its own merits, taking into account the extent of production losses on the farm and the security and repayment ability of the operator. Farmers interested in applying for assistance must contact their local Farm Service Agency office. You can find that information HERE.
Farmers who have experienced losses may be eligible for additional USDA programs, with increased flexibilities, to help offset the losses. The Connecticut Department of Agriculture also offers farmers the opportunity for one-on-one consultative services to help them find the right program for their farm. Interested farmers should contact the Connecticut Department of Agriculture at 860-713-2500 or
Additional resources are available online at