Legislative Update September 29

September 29, 2023

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Dear Friends and Neighbors, 

Unfortunately I am writing to you today during challenging times, as we stand on the edge of potential federal government shutdown. Although most likely temporary, a government shut down would be damaging to our economy, national security, and a host of federal government programs. 

However, I want to reassure you that my commitment to your well-being and the stability of our nation remains unwavering. And that our state and our city will do our upmost to continue operations and to offer the services our community needs. 

We are all in this together, and it's crucial that we remain supportive of one another. Our city has always been defined by its resilience, resourcefulness, and compassion, and I ask that we continue to embody these qualities as we weather this storm and emerge stronger on the other side.

As always I write this message with our community foremost in my mind, and further in this email you will fid more in depth information on resources we have secured for our community, legislation I have supported, and new laws and policies that I hope will be useful to you and your family. 

A number of new laws that are effective on October 1st were passed during the 2023 legislative session that address several issue areas to improve our great state.

New laws include wrong way driving prevention with a test program on 120 highway exit ramps that are determined high risk for wrong-way drivers, gun violence prevention, and prohibiting hand-harvesting of ecologically important horseshoe crabs or their eggs from state waters.
Additionally, we prohibited deceptive and coercive interrogation methods, and implemented proper notification of inmates’ families and any associated victims of related crime(s) when they transfer them from one facility to another.

These are just some of the laws - click here for the full list.

Your calls, emails, and testimony at public hearings during this year's legislative session had a direct influence on these new laws. Thank you for your input, and please continue sharing your views and making your voice heard during our legislative process.

During Tuesday’s Special Session, I was proud to advocate and vote for the passage of H.B. 7001, which will move the state's presidential primary up by four weeks. This means the presidential primary will occur on the first Tuesday in April.

This decision was made after carefully considering the benefits it would bring to Connecticut voters.  By advancing the primary date, we aim to increase our influence in the national political landscape and encourage more candidates to visit us during the 2024 campaign season. 

The bipartisan support for this important bill serves as a powerful testament to our unwavering commitment to upholding democracy and ensuring that every single voice has a meaningful opportunity to be heard and valued.

As we move forward, I encourage you to stay informed about the upcoming presidential primary and actively participate in the democratic process. Your vote matters and your voice deserves to be heard. 

The Connecticut State Department of Education is awarding $3.8 million to 83 applicants representing 89 school districts to expand dual credit offerings in high schools, including $87,775 for Stamford. The primary objective of the state’s Dual Credit Expansion Grant Program is to enable more high school students to earn college credits prior to graduation through partnerships formed between high schools and public and private colleges and universities.

Dual credit courses offer a rigorous alternative to traditional test-based measures (e.g. SAT, ACT, Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate) for students to demonstrate their postsecondary readiness. They have been found in research to have positive effects on students’ college access and enrollment, credit accumulation, and college degree attainment. Accumulating college credits in high school can help students get a jump start in their postsecondary program, while also saving money.

For more information on the Connecticut State Department of Education’s dual credit opportunities, visit portal.ct.gov/dualcredit.

If you have any issues, concerns, or feedback, I would love to hear from you! Please feel free to contact me at 860-240-8585 if you ever need anything or by email at hubert.delany@cga.ct.gov


Hubert Delany

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