Session Recap for the Week of May 19

May 19, 2023

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Dear Neighbor,

The House was in session three times this week. My colleagues and I were able to pass several pieces of legislation, including a few that I wanted to highlight: 

Tuesday, May 16

✅ HB 6892: Putting teeth in municipal blight laws to increase the tools towns have to deal with abandoned, blighted and unsafe properties.

✅ HB 6872: Will ensure election officials and presidential electors do their duty as prescribed by law.

✅ HB 6918: Chambers of Commerce and business leaders cheered when we passed groundbreaking clean slate legislation… yesterday we passed mainly technical issues to get this policy moving forward.

✅ HB 6775: Expands protections for seniors by increasing the number of mandated reporters for suspected abuse, neglect, exploitation or when a senior needs protective services.

Wednesday, May 17

✅ HB 5314: Attention consumers! Under HB 5314 businesses will no longer be able to charge your credit card, debit card, or third-party payment account without your consent for automatic renewal or continuous services.

✅ HB 5902:Food allergies can be life-threatening. H.B. 5902 establishes standards that restaurants must follow to ensure customers alert staff about their allergies. The bill will also require informational posters to be displayed in restaurants to ensure increased safety and awareness.

✅ HB 6561:Protecting our children is the most important part of youth athletic competition. HB 6561 creates a task force that will study safety measures for all sports.

✅ HB 6077: Connecticut has a rich history of remarkable stories. HB 6077 establishes a process to add additional statues outside the Capitol that reflect the diversity, character, and accomplishments of the state.

✅ HB 6746:

Sadly, wrong-way crashes and deaths have been on the rise in Connecticut. Studies have shown that wrong-way driving crashes are 100 times more likely to be fatal than other types of crashes. 

The House of Representatives took action on Wednesday with the passage of HB 6746, which seeks to reduce incidents and minimize fatalities from wrong-way drivers.

HB 6746 requires the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) to expand its efforts to implement wrong-way driver countermeasures, including:

  • Wrong-way driving detection and notification systems on at least 120 high-risk highway exit ramps
  • Rumble strips on exit ramps that cause tactile vibration and audible rumbling when a driver goes the wrong way on these ramps
  • A public awareness campaign to educate the public on ways to reduce wrong-way driving incidents and the actions drivers should take when they encounter a wrong-way driver

The bill also requires that driver education programs give instruction on ways to reduce wrong-way driving incidents and the actions drivers should take when they encounter a wrong-way driver.

The number of people killed or injured on state roads is startling, especially because many of them were the result of preventable crashes. I am glad we passed this important legislation to help make our roads safer.

Thursday, May 18

✅ HB 6677: Families who are tasked with taking care of loved ones need a lifeline. HB 6677 will require the Department of Social Services to develop a plan that will increase the number of residents eligible to receive adult day services.

✅ HB 6898: This bill requires the Attorney General’s Office to submit a report on the settlement agreement with Juul Labs. In April, Juul Labs agreed to a $462 million settlement between six states, including Connecticut, for their role in marketing addictive nicotine products to teens.     

✅ HB 6820: Health care providers shouldn’t face out-of-state repercussions for doing what’s legal in Connecticut. H.B. 6820 protects Connecticut providers performing safe and legal reproductive health care services to those who need it.

We will be back in session next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Please tune in to CT-N to watch along live. 

If you have any questions, please reach out by phone at (860) 240-8585 and please visit my Facebook page.


Kevin Brown


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